In principio

Genesis 1:1-3

In principio creavit Deus caelum et terram.
Terra autem erat inanis et vacua.
Et tenebrae super faciem abyssi et spiritus Dei ferebatur super aquas.
Dixitque Deus fiat lux et facta est lux.

  • Vowels:
A: Short, "uh" in about, long; Long, "ah" in father. Latin A never pronounced as cat or kate in English.
E: Short, "eh" in get, bed; Long, "ay" in cake
I: Short, "ih" in kin, tin; "ee" in machine
O: Short, "ou" in ought; Long, "o" in go
U: Short, "u" as in book; Long, "oo" as in food
Y: Short, "ih" above, used only in words derived from Greek

  • Consonants:
C: "k" in car
G: "guh" in game
I: "yuh" in yum
V: "wuh" in what, why...

  • Diphthongs
ae: 'i' in ice
oe: 'oi' in oil
au: 'ow' in howl

  • Syllable stress
The stress is not away from the end of words (last syllable, ultima), if a word only has 2 syllables, the accent is always on the first syllable; if a world has more than 3 syllables, there are two rules:
    • The accent is on the second-last syllable (penult) if the syllable is long or counts as long; a short vowel counts as long if it is followed by 2 or more consonants.
    • If the second-last syllable is short, the accent falls on the third-last syllable (antepenult)

  • Vocabulary
libertas: freedom
Amanus: a mountain range dividing the coastal region of Cilicia from inland Syria
interficimus: we kill (interFIcimus, for the penult is short by nature, the accent is on the antepenult)
ad: near, at, toward, up to, for
pater: father (male parent), head of household, parent, forefather, honorific title
sed: but
separo: (se-apart+paro-prepare) divide
gemma: a bud or eye for a plant, a jewel, A thing made of precious stones
in: in
civilis: citizens, civil
iam: already, now, soon, anymore
bonus:  good, honest, brave, noble, kind, pleasant Antonyms: malus, right, useful, valid
non: no
murus m. (genitive muri): wall
ventus m. (genitive venti): a wind
Vesta: The goddess of the hearth and the household
aetas:  lifetime, generation, age
moenia (genitive moenium): city wall
aut: or (exclusive) not both or
spectamus: first person plural present time indicative mood of specto: look at
interficimus: fist person plural present time indicative mood of interficio: kill, destroy
inanis: void, vain, worthless
vacua: empty
video: (I) see, note
appello: (ad-"to, towards"+pello-"impress"+-o), (I) address, call by name
vespere: evening

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